How to order

I am interested in making a purchase from

How do I place my order?

You can place an order in one of the 3 following ways:

A. Via our website

You may use the search bar, found at the top right part of our website, or the navigation menu, which allows you to navigate our website fast and easily.Once you have found the product in which you are interested, click on the “purchase” button.You will then be transferred to a page which will give you two options:
If you are already a customer, you will need to log in the system.
If you are a new customer, you will have to provide the necessary information in order to be able to log in, as well as your shipment information.

What is the information we require?
A username, an e-mail address, and a password, so that the system recognizes you and allows you to make your purchase, as well as keeping a history of your purchases.

You will also be asked to provide us with billing information, as well as shipment information, if it is different to the former.

Select a shipment method
You have a choice between:


Select a payment method

  • Online payment with a credit card

Confirm your order

You then confirm your order and add any other relevant information, if you have any, in the designated field for notes. Select the payment method field and mark your choice. In case you choose online payment with a credit card, you will be sent to a Eurobank interface for e-transactions, where you will have to fill in the information required by the bank in order to proceed with the payment, and then you will be sent back automatically to our website to make the final confirmation. The same applies in case you choose PayPal, in which case you will be sent to a PayPal interface.

Once the process has been completed successfully, you will receive an e-mail with the information relating to your order.


Weekdays 10:00 – 20:00

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